Keep checking the website over the next few days for updates.
New pages will be added and older ones removed.
If you are interested in any particular tractor please send a detailed description of it (colour, make, model, number, what the driver was wearing etc etc. I have several thousand images to search through so as much information as possible with make my search easier.
email to jblcountryphotographs@yahoo.com
Although I should have several shots of each tractor, because there were so many on view it was impossible to get round them all.
Latest comments
01.06 | 20:01
Have the tractor back at the county show this year Northumberland
14.12 | 11:18
Are you still doing the 135 calendars for 2022
12.10 | 13:27
What would the cost be for all 13 pictures of my own to be added to my sons tractor calendar? Thank you
04.10 | 10:05
Very interested in all above
My father purchased his first new tractor in 1959 a 4 cylinder 35 for which i still have the paper log book but not the tractor that was scraped probably 30 years ago