This years calendar features 12 OLD TIMER tractors first manufactured between the 1900’s and 1920’s
The calendar starts in February 2025 and goes to and including January 2026.
It folds in half with the top half containing the photo and the bottom half containing the day and date with room to mark down important appointments etc.
It measures 11inches by 17 inches
The cost of the calendar is £16.50 plus £3 post and packing. I am sending the proof off to the printers late on Saturday so SATURDAY the 11th Jan 2025 is the cut off point if you want it at that price. After that the price will go up by at least £5 depending on how many are ordered.
If you would like to buy one of the 2025 calendars please contact me directly by emailing me at tractortreasures@yahoo.com or by texting me on 07702339765 where you will communicate with me personally.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.